The Long Ride Home

On our way home from Salmon, we hit quite a bit of ice. Pretty crappy road conditions, if you ask me. Ed on the other hand thinks if you can see beyond your car the conditions are good. We debated this a bit, then I gave up.

It took about 45 minutes extra to get to our first usual stop, Idaho Falls. I had decided that since the kids had been reasonably well behaved in the car, I would get them a Happy Meal. Inside the girls Happy Meal was a watch. The rest of the 3 1/2 hour trip went as follows:

Bree-Mom, it's 1:55. (it was 36 minutes fast)

Me-Thanks Bree.

Bree-Now it's 1:56.

Me-Thanks Bree.


Me-Thanks Bree.


Me-Thanks Bree.


Me-Thanks Bree.

Bree-Mom, you don't have to say thanks every time.

Fast forward 56 miles, 1 hour and 39 minutes, and about 67 (I am NOT kidding!) updates.

Bree-It's 3:38


Bree-It's 3:38

Me-(nothing still)

Bree-Mo'om, it's 3:38.

Me-Thanks Bree.

Bree-You're welcome, Mama.

Apparently I do need to say thank you every time.


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